We are extending this invitation to you to be one of our distinguished sponsors for our 76th Rio Vista Bass Derby and Festival.

Every year we put on the largest festival our small town has ever seen, the Rio Vista Bass Derby & Festival. Now in its 76th year we have stepped up our game even more.

We are busy getting everything organized. There is a great deal of work to be done. With your help we will be even more successful than in past years.

For the first time the Starlight Stage, with its musical acts, will be located right next to the Sacramento River, adjacent to the promenade, with the iconic Rio Vista Bridge in the background. We have a great line-up already planned for the music.

In addition to three days of live music, the derby and festival features kids’ games, a kids’ fishing derby, a parade, a pancake breakfast, a car show, craft vendors, fireworks, great food and drink; and, of course, the adult fishing derby. An added attraction this year is the return to the parade of the Shriner’s with their madcap fun and small cars.

Tens of thousands of visitors and locals attend the festival each year. This is an opportunity to get your name out as a supporter of this time-honored event. We can’t do this without our supporters.

We would like you, as one who has an interest in Rio Vista, fishing and the Bass Festival, to become a participant in this three-day event. There are many ways to do this:

You can become a sponsor at many levels from a $20,000 Music sponsor level all the way to our Bronze $350 T-shirt Sponsor.

When you become a sponsor for $1,000 or more, we will supply you with one free vendor space.

Of course, any donation is always appreciated to help.

Please sign up as a sponsor and send us your below completed Sponsorship Form, and pay special attention to the due dates.

You can return the completed sheet with your payment by mail, or bring it to the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center for processing. Our scheduled office hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.

If you need additional information, please call the office at 707-374-2700.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Sponsorship Form